Anyone interested in or concerned with the validity of the CEFR scales should read this recent article by Katrin Wisniewski. It is based on a study in which learners' spoken productions were recorded and assessed for CEFR level by trained raters. Then transcripts of the recordings were searched to discover whether the linguistic features that are supposed to be characteristic of CEFR levels actually occur in the productions of learners at those levels. Remarkable for its academic rigour as well as its findings.
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Barbara Murai (Wednesday, 23 January 2019 16:53)
Hi Glyn, unfortunately the abstract doesn't give much away. Do you know of any other way to become acquainted with the gist of the findings? Very best, BM
Glyn (Thursday, 24 January 2019)
Well, you could of course read the article:), or contact the author, Katrin Wisniewski at the University of Leipzig.
Wisniewski, K. (2017), Empirical Learner Language and the Levels of the Common European Framework of Reference. Language Learning, 67: 232-253. doi:10.1111/lang.12223
Lyly.Reuben (Thursday, 04 June 2020 19:24)
No matter how many times you fail, you must face life and be full of hope